Link Skills

Table of Contents

General Information

Link skills are skills that may be transferred from the character that obtains it to other characters in the same world and account. They offer passive bonuses that increase stats of the character obtaining them. To access them, open the Skill window and find the “Manage Link” tab upon reaching level 70.

A character may obtain his/her link skill at level 70. The link skill has a maximum of 2 levels. Level 1 link skill at character level 70. Level 2 link skill at character level 120.

One character can have a maximum of 12 transferred link skills. Links skills from Explorer classes, Cygnus Knights and Resistance characters may be stacked, i.e. using only 1 skill slot.

There are currently more useful skills that we have link skill slots for, so it will be necessary to choose what your character benefits most from out of the link skills available on the account.

See Link Skills Overview page for a chart of all link skills and their corresponding stat gains.

For all characters (in order of usefulness):

  1. Mercedes – % EXP Increase
  2. Resistance – % EXP and % Status resistance
  3. Explorer Mages – % PEXP and % MAG ATK
  4. Sia – % Final Damage, 10% Final Damage increase with 10s buff that activates upon attacking with 60s cooldown
  5. Xenon – % Final Damage
  6. Explorer Pirates – % Final Damage, % HP, % MP
  7. Phantom – % Crit Damage
  8. Kinesis – % Crit Damage
  9. Explorer Archers – % Crit Damage and % Acc
  10. Evan – % Boss Attack
  11. Demon Slayer – % Boss Attack
  12. Explorer Warriors – % Boss Attack and % Boss Defense

For physical damage dealers:

  1. Explorer Thieves – % PHY ATK and % EVD
  2. Demon Avenger – % PHY Damage.

For magical damage dealers:

  1. Luminous – % MAG Damage
  2. Angelic Buster – % MAG Damage


  1. Cygnus Knights – % Crit Rate and Increased fever duration
  2. Aran – % Fever Charge Rate
  3. Kaiser – % HP Increase
  4. Shade – 4% chance to survive dying
*Note: If you are playing a character with a recommended link skill, you may choose a 13th link skill from the sample builds below. All classes will automatically receive and apply their own link skills without using a transferred link skill slot.

Sample Builds for PHY damage dealer

For general use:

Mercedes | Resistance | Explorer Mages | Sia | Xenon | Explorer Pirates | Explorer Thieves | Demon Avenger | Phantom | Kinesis | Explorer Archers | Explorer Warriors

Total stat increases:

12% EXP, 6% PEXP, 9% PHY ATK, 4% PHY DMG, 9% MAG ATK, 9% FD, 14% CD, 6% BA, 6% BD, 6% HP, 6% MP, 3% EVD, 3% ACC, 8% Status Resistance

For optimal bossing, switch Phantom for Evan or Demon Slayer:

Mercedes | Resistance | Explorer Mages | Sia | Xenon | Explorer Pirates | Explorer Thieves | Demon Avenger | Evan or Demon Slayer | Kinesis | Explorer Archers | Explorer Warriors

Total stat increases:

12% EXP, 6% PEXP, 9% PHY ATK, 4% PHY DMG, 9% MAG ATK, 9% FD, 10% CD, 10% BA, 6% BD, 6% HP, 6% MP, 3% EVD, 3% ACC, 8% Status Resistance

Sample Builds for MAG damage dealer

For general use:

Mercedes | Resistance | Explorer Mages | Sia | Xenon | Explorer Pirates | Luminous | Angelic Buster | Phantom | Kinesis | Explorer Archers | Explorer Warriors

Total stat increases:

12% EXP, 6% PEXP, 9% MAG ATK, 8% MAG DMG, 9% FD, 14% CD, 6% BA, 6% BD, 6% HP, 6% MP, 3% ACC, 8% Status Resistance

For optimal bossing, switch Phantom for Evan or Demon Slayer:

Mercedes | Resistance | Explorer Mages | Sia | Xenon | Explorer Pirates | Luminous | Angelic Buster | Evan or Demon Slayer | Kinesis | Explorer Archers | Explorer Warriors

Total stat increases:

12% EXP, 6% PEXP, 9% MAG ATK, 8% MAG DMG, 9% FD, 10% CD, 10% BA, 6% BD, 6% HP, 6% MP, 3% ACC, 8% Status Resistance