
Phantom is a Hero Thief class who utilizes a cane and deck of cards to deal damage. Phantom can also steal Explorer skills.

Skills to steal

Skill Wheels


Use Mille Aiguilles, Tempest and Tempest if you want more movements. Replace Mille Aiguilles with Chain Lightning if you want to clear the map faster.  

For leveling:

Magic Guard, Monkey Magic, Holy Symbol, Chain Lightning, Cry Valhalla

For surviving:

Magic Guard, Hyper Body, Parashock Guard, Chain Lightning/ Battleship Nautilus, Sacrosanctity


Use Mille Aiguilles and Tempest. Use Pouvoir Emprunte to steal Damage Reflection (DR) from bosses. Depending on your role, the bossing skill wheel can be split into 2 categories.

For attacker:

Dark Sight/ Magic Guard (depending on the bosses, Dark Sight helps dodging deadly attacks), Monkey Magic, Parashock Guard, Battleship Nautilus, Cry Valhalla

For buff provider:

Magic Guard, Hyper Body, Noble Demand, Battleship Nautilus, Sacrosanctity

You may want to switch between different combinations of stolen skills depending on your playstyle

Hyper Passive Skills

For main: Tempest – Cooldown Cutter, Mille Aiguilles x2 (Reinforce, Crit DMG), Bad Luck Ward x2 (Max Points, PHY ATK)

For alt: Heaven’s Hammer x3, Divine Charge x2 (if you plan to level to 200+ without funding, then replace with Blast) 

Boost Nodes


Mille Aiguilles

Carte Blanche/ Carte Noir


Carte Rose Finale

Impeccable Memory IV

Impeccable Memory III

You can master all 6 skills with 4 perfect trios