Normal Magnus

Magnus is one of the most powerful bosses in the game that requires skill and preparation to defeat. Each player has 6 death counts and is not shared among the party. Normal Magnus can be cleared daily.

Note: Normal Magnus used to be called Magnus Simulation.


  • Requires level 170
  • Single vs. Multiplayer Modes (1-10 players)
  • 15 mins time limit



  • 300 Gold Leaves
  • Soul
  • Tyrant’s Prestige – Unique Necklace (not set item)
  • Black Nova’s Insignia – Unique Badge (not set item)


  • 150 Yggdrasil Runes
  • Soul
  • Tyrant’s Prestige – Unique Necklace
  • Black Nova’s Insignia – Unique Badge


  1. Make sure you are using the bossing gears.
  2. Make sure you have the right HP recovery potions. Power Elixer is preferred.
  3. Make sure you have the right skill wheel.

General Information

HP9.69 b72.675 b
Crit Resist40%40%


Magnus Zone

Magnus Zone is activated as soon as Magnus appears. The zone gets smaller as Magnus HP lowers (every 25%). Players suffer from penalties when moving or standing outside of Magnus Zone: 

  1. Receive continuous damage.
  2. Recovery potions are less efficient .

Kaiserion Windmill (Spin)

When Magnus uses this skill, he charges up and then releases a devastating wind blast that hits all players in the area. The wind blast deals massive damage and also knocks players back, making it difficult to avoid subsequent attacks.

Jump up or dash sideways to avoid.

Clone Attack

Magnus uses this skill to create multiple clones of himself and deal damage to nearby players.

Blade Attack

Magnus swings his sword and deal damage to nearby players. Players hit by the attack receive a debuff and continuous damage while the debuff lasts.

Jump up or dash behind Magnus to avoid.

Dark Wave (Laser)

Dark Wave is a powerful AOE skill that hits all players in that area. When Magnus uses this skill, he summons a dark energy wave that travels across the battlefield, dealing heavy damage to any players it hits.

To avoid: Hide underneath Magnus when he uses the skill

Down Rush

Magnus rises into the air and strike down, dealing damage to players.


Slow reduces movement speed and jump height.

Specialized Zombify

Specialized Zombify causes damage when you cast HP recovery skills or use potions. This means you can die from healing.

Summon Meteorite 

Meteorites fall from above and cause damage to players in the area of impact. As Magnus’ HP decreases, more meteorites are summoned. The bigger the meteorite the more damage it causes.

Sleeping Gas (Poison/Stun)

Left and right sides of the map are frequently filled with sleeping gas. Sleeping gas renders players stunned and unable to use skills or potions.


  1. All Magnus attacks are dangerous, but there are 3 particular skills you should always pay attention to:
    Dark Wave (Laser)
    As soon as Magnus rises into the air, you should stand underneath him to avoid the laser.
    To avoid spin, stay away from Magnus when you see him preparing to cast the skill.
    Stay in the middle of the map if possible, since poison does not appear in the middle of the map.

  2. Do not be afraid to step outside Magnus Zone to dodge some attacks

  3. For classes with low defense, like Night Lord, slow down your attack and focus more on dodging Magnus’ attacks.

  4. Explorer Thieves should remove Dark Sight from their pets and use the skill manually if they do not think they can dodge attacks.

  5. For classes with the dash/charge skill (e.g. explorer warriors and pirates), you may want to use the skill to dodge projectiles and stuns.

  6. Use your stun skill near the end of the fight to immobilize Magnus so you have an easier time staying within Magnus Zone if you lack sufficient DPS.