
Evan is a Mage Hero that uses that casts magic in combination with his dragon Mir for attacks. His kit focuses on different combinations between his personal skills and Mir’s dragon skills.

Skill Wheels


Evan focuses on creating combination skills. The auto-battle skill wheel will focus on activating the highest damaging combination skills with the most targets for efficient farming.

In the sample AB wheel below, Evan relies mainly on Dragon Breath-Earth Circle creating Earth Breath. Mana Burst can be used for extra damage, but it is not strictly necessary for this AB wheel. Preset 2 incorporates Dark Fog, but it is presently not recommended as Dark Fog does very little damage, but will aggro all nearby enemies. Preset 3 focuses on Dragon Breath-Wind Circle creating Wind Breath. This is recommended in place of Earth Breath if Evan has issues surviving, but it will reduce kill efficiency.

At level 170, Evan gets access to his iconic Dragon Master skill that allows him to ride Mir and fly around the map while bursting enemies with fire breath. This is Evan’s main farming skill as it only has a 30s CD and grants invincibility while active.



No general bossing preset is currently recommended. It is important that the player tries different combinations of combo skills to figure out optimal rotations for each boss (e.g. stationary vs. mobile, single target vs. multi-target).

Boost Nodes

Evan relies on 4 main skills for damage: Mana Burst, Dragon Breath, Earth Circle and Wind Circle. These are recommended for your primary trio, with the circle skill that you use more often. The secondary trio should include wind circle and two optional skills. 



Mana Burst

Dragon Breath

Earth Circle


Wind Circle

Dragon Master

Summon Onyx Dragon

You can master all 6 skills with 2 perfect trios. Note, Dragon Master and Onyx Dragon are optional and only suggested here as fillers for second trio.