
Luminous is a Mage Hero that manages light and dark to deal optimal damage. His main skill mechanic is achieving “equilibrium” to use skills only available in this balanced state. 

Skill Wheels


Luminous uses most of his skills according to the state he is in. In the light state, he uses Reflection. In the dark state, he uses Apocalypse. In equilibrium, he uses either Death Scythe (wide range, more target counts, few lines) or Ender (vertical range, lower target counts but significantly more lines). Add Equalize to achieve Equilibrium for higher damage.

At low levels, use Reflection and no other skills as it will reflect off mobs to kill many at once with each cast. If Reflection cannot kill in 1-2 hits, add Apocalypse and Death Scythe so that Lumi can use Death Scythe in Equilibrium. If Death Scythe is not able to kill in 1-2 hits, switch it to Ender.

At lv170, Lumi unlocks Armageddon, a map-wide attack with high skill damage that can be cast every 30 seconds. At lv200, Lumi unlocks Gate of Light, a continuous map-wide attack that very significantly improves Lumi’s mobbing. In fact, if there are multiple high mobbing-rate characters in the same map, your character might end up walking in place as all mobs are instantly cleared.


Lumi’s bossing is all about managing Equilibrium. The goal is to stay in Equilibrium as much as possible as it offers near invincibility and reinforces your skills. To achieve Equilibrium, use Reflection when you’re in light mode and Apocalypse when you’re in dark mode. Effective timing of Equalize for bosses like Vellum is critical for maximum damage. 

At baseline, Ender, the main bossing skill, has 18 lines of damage (hit count). In equilibrium, Ender has double the lines, resulting in 36 lines of damage and no cooldown. Armageddon may be used to stun bosses. Light speed and Flash blink may be used to teleport and dodge boss mechanics. 

At level 200, Aether Conduit (V2 skill) will be one of the highest damaging skills for bosses once they are stunned.

Hyper Passive Skills

Lumi uses all three skills that may be reinforced through hyper passives. 

For main: Apocalypse Recharge, Reflection Spread, Ender x3

For alt: Reflection x3, Ender Spread, Ender Reinforce (or replace with Apo recharge)

Boost Nodes

Luminous mainly use three skills for attacking, with Ender being the most important and should be prioritized with boost nodes. Reflection and Apocalypse are his two main attacks in light and dark modes, respectively. Armageddon is a helpful AoE attack for clearing the map and stunning enemies while Morning Star is a great damage boost for stationary bosses, but they are not critical for improving his damage.








Morning Star

You can master all main skills with 2 perfect trios. Optional ones can be leveled if you have extra V Matrix slots available.