MapleStory Acronyms

General acronyms

  • MSM – MapleStory M
  • KMSM – Korean MapleStory M
  • GMS – Global MapleStory
  • KMS – Korean MapleStory
  • MMO – Massive Multiplayer Online
  • EXP – Experience
  • AoE – Area of Effect (i.e. wide range skills)
  • QJ – Quick Join
  • AFK – Away From Keyboard (e.g. not actively playing Legends)

MSM acronyms

  • AB – Auto-Battle (sometimes Angelic Buster)
  • TS – Trade Station
  • SF – Star Force
  • AF – Arcane Force
  • Mag soul – Magnificent soul
  • mpets – Master Label Pets
  • Vac pets – pet set that can vacuum in drops/meso
  • FashionStory – Focusing on appearance/royal style as a main goal of the game


  • CP – Combat Power
  • PA – Physical Attack
  • MA – Magic Attack
  • PD – Physical Damage
  • MD – Magic Damage
  • CR – Critical Rate
  • CD – Critical Damage
  • FD – Final Damage
  • Acc – Accuracy


  • Dailies – Daily Missions
  • ED – Elite Dungeon
  • Legends – The Legends Return
  • DI – Dimension Invasion
  • EoS – Edge of Space
  • Cooking – Cooking with Tangyoon
  • Kerning – Kerning M Tower


  • Expeds (add n/h/c to designate normal, hard and chaos difficulties) – Expedition
    • Zak – Zakum
    • HT – Horntail
    • PB – Pink Bean
    • Emp – Empress
    • RA – Root Abyss
    • VL – Von Leon
    • Ark – Arkarium (can also refer to Ark, the soon to be released character)


  • Pally – Paladin
  • DK – Dark Knight
  • Bish – Bishop
  • ILM – Ice/Lightning Mage
  • FPM – Fire/Poison Mage
  • BM – Bowmaster
  • MM – Marksman
  • PF – Pathfinder
  • NL – Night Lord
  • DB – Dual Blade
  • Bucc – Buccaneer
  • DW – Dawn Warrior
  • BW – Blade Wizard
  • WA – Wind Archer
  • NW – Night Walker
  • TB – Thunder Breaker
  • Merc – Mercedes
  • Lumi – Luminous
  • WH – Wild Hunter
  • Mech – Mechanic
  • BaM – Battle Mage
  • DA – Demon Avenger
  • DS – Demon Slayer
  • AB – Angelic Buster

Updated: 2023/2/19